Documentation and HowTo
Ever since I first got started with computers some 40 years ago, system administration and infrastructure has been what caught my attention. If it was not on the Amiga 500 how to cram as much as humanly possible onto one single 3.5 inch DD floppy-disk, then when I got started with Linux, it was about building the OS as I got involved in for the ROCK Linux project. If you have never heard of it, do not worry. As I jumped around between distributions, when I joined Red Hat in 2006, it became Fedora and RHEL.
Now, I run and use RHEL, Debian, Fedora, MacOS and Windows. Part of what I do professionally centres around understanding things more than being an out and out expert. That said, storage, networking and the VM are things that I have had an affinity for.
A fair few of you I would hazard a guess have tried to do something only to be held up by something not working, or having to read up on something tangential just to be able to complete the task at hand. Once task is done, the knowledge that was acquired was soon forgotten and when something broke six months or six years later, it was back to trying to re-learn that all over.
I have done my fair share of that, so now I will simply leverage this wiki to document things as and when I run into them. So while I learn, I will put it here in distinct pages, like a miniature Wikipedia of the crazy things Sirius got himself into.
You can expect to see a plethora of things here in no particular order.